Support Bot

$99.99 / month and a $99.99 sign-up fee

Our bread and butter – the Chatmatico support bot.

This chatbot is built from the ground up for your business, and trained off all of your business information.

Perfect for any industry.

Chatmatico Restaurant Chatbot Example

How it works

Buy a Chatmatico chatbot for your website using the ‘Purchase Chatbot’ button on this page.

During the checkout process, tell us a little about your goals for a chatbot: provide customer support, collect leads, book appointments, etc.

Over the course of around 7 business days, your dedicated Chatmatico support specialist will work with you to build a custom chatbot for your website based on your brand, product, and service information.

That’s it! Your chatbot is live on your website, collecting visitor information and providing instant, top-notch support 24/7, completely on autopilot. For any changes or updates, your Chatmatico support partner is on standby. 👌

Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers 🤘 

No, our chatbots operate only on your website, and here’s why that’s a good thing:

Data Privacy: Your info stays safe and away from Zuckerberg and other big social media companies.

Consistent Branding: On your site, it’s all about your message without distractions.

Full Control: You manage how things work, without worrying about sudden changes on social platforms.

Effective Engagement: People visiting your site get direct and efficient support immediately.

While they’re not on social media, our chatbots are tailored to give your website visitors a seamless experience.

Chatmatico bots can do just about anything! Grow your sales with discount codes, ask customers for reviews, book appointments, provide customer service, and so much more! If you’re still on the fence, just reach out and ask us about your specific needs.

No! We build the chatbot for you with your business information. Either you can provide the information for us, or we can simply get all of that from your website to train your chatbot.

We're giving away chatbots.

Every month, we’re giving away a custom chatbot to a business that needs it.

Will it be you?

Chatbot giveaway program by Chatmatico